Forex forecasts and market outlooks

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Consumer Price Index. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)

At 08:00 (GMT+2), the UK data on the consumer price index for August will be released. It is the main indicator of the inflation rate in the country which determines the change in the level of retail prices for a certain "basket" of goods and services: food, transport, utilities, health care, and so on. It has a significant influence on monetary policy decisions. It is expected that the consumer price index will decline by 0.6% MoM and grow by 0.1% YoY.


Industrial Production. United States, 15:15 (GMT+2)

At 15:15 (GMT+2), the US data on changes in the level of industrial production for August will be released. The indicator reflects the volume of production at plants and factories. The value is expected to increase by 0.8% MoM. A high value may indicate inflation expectations and, therefore, an imminent rate hike, so a high score strengthens the US dollar, while a low value weakens it.

ILO Unemployment Rate. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)

At 08:00 (GMT+2), the UK 3M report, showing the ratio of the proportion of the unemployed population to the total number of able-bodied citizens, will be published. This release is a leading indicator for the British economy. If the rate rises, this indicates a slowdown in the recovery of the country's labor market, negatively affecting the state of the economy; the decline in the indicator, on the contrary, is a positive factor for the economy and the exchange rate of the national currency. According to preliminary data, the indicator will remain unchanged at 3.9%.


Industrial Production. Japan, 06:30 (GMT+2)

At 06:30 (GMT+2), the data on Japanese Industrial Production will be published. It is a major indicator of the strength of the manufacturing sector, reflecting the production volume of factories and mines in Japan. A high reading is considered positive (or "bullish") for the JPY, and a low reading is considered negative (or "bearish"). The indicator is expected to grow by 8.0% in monthly terms and decrease by 16.1% in annual terms.