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Chinese Retail Sales. China, 04:00 (GMT+2)

At 04:00 (GMT+2), the National Bureau of Statistics of China will release data on changes in the level of retail sales for August. The indicator assesses the total amount of funds received as a result of the sale of consumer goods to end consumers and reflects the level of economic well-being. The indicator is expected to decrease by 1.4% YoY, which may negatively affect the exchange rate of the national currency.

Industrial production. China, 04:00 (GMT+2)

At 04:00 (GMT+2), data on changes in the level of industrial production will be published in China. This indicator is published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and reflects the change in the volume of production of factories, factories, and other production facilities in the country. An increase in production volumes could trigger acceleration in inflation, which could force the People's Bank of China to take measures aimed at tightening monetary and fiscal policies. A high reading is considered positive for the Chinese currency, while a low reading is considered negative.