Apr 6, 2020, 7:00:00 AM

Start of the Ramadan Charity program: Join Tifia to help children

Just trade and make profits with Tifia to join Ramadan Charity

Dear clients,

In these hard times, we’re inviting you to join our annual charity program Ramadan Charity.
The Tifia team in Malaysia gathers traders together every year for charity activities aimed at supporting children in need.

To participate in this year’s charity program, you only need to register your trading account on the page of Ramadan Charity.

The charity fund is formed in the following way:
- 30% of profits made in a participant’s trading account is donated by the participant
- 0.3 pips from each trade conducted in a participant’s trading account is donated by Tifia Markets Limited

The program runs from 6.04.2020 till 29.05.2020.

All the funds raised through the program will be transferred to a charity fund in Malaysia PUSAT RAWATAN AMAL (Pusat Penempatan & Jagaan Anak2 Yatim Faqir Miskin) which helps children in need.

To participate, remember to register your account!

Trade and donate with Tifia!

Best regards,
Tifia team

Tifia trading account
